Supporting you in your athletic goals through all of life’s stages.

I work with athletes of all levels as they navigate injury or pelvic health concerns, while still pursuing their sports performance goals. 

Welcome to HerSport Physio!

HerSport Physio is a place where you can get the support you need to manage sports injuries, pelvic health concerns or navigate the new challenges and changes of pregnancy & postpartum.

With well over a decade of experience in high performance sports, HerSport Physio offers a unique perspective for both sports injuries and pelvic health rehab.

I work with athletes from all stages of life and competition, through pregnancy, into postpartum and beyond. 

You deserve comprehensive care as you work towards achieving your sports performance goals!

  • Sports Physiotherapy

    Got a sports injury keeping you out of your sport? Slowing you down? HerSport Physio can help take you through a detailed assessment and treatment plan to get you back in the game!

  • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

    Athletes of all ages deal with pelvic health concerns from incontinence, prolapse or persistent low back or hip pain. Pelvic floor physiotherapy takes a closer look at how the pelvic floor may be contributing to your symptoms and includes a holistic full body approach to help address your concerns.

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum Care

    Full comprehensive prenatal and postpartum physiotherapy which includes pelvic health education, symptom management, labour & delivery prep, exercise guidance and return to sport preparation.

  • Small Group Classes

    Each small group class is run by a registered physiotherapist and is designed to progress you through exercises focusing on pelvic floor, core and full body strength.

    Offered for both prenatal and postpartum stages.

Pelvic health physiotherapy

I’d love to work with you.

In my mind, anyone who intentionally exercises or participates in sport is an athlete! 

If you are struggling to participate fully, dealing with an injury or navigating the world of exercise, pregnancy and postpartum, HerSport Physio has you covered! 

Book a consultation today to get started!

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